Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Operation Fitness

On September 30th I took Matthew to his annual physical.  His doctor did her standard check-up, although he was having trouble focusing on the stuff he usually likes such as getting his eyes checked, ears checked, heart rate, temperature, etc.  because he kept asking if he was getting a shot. She honestly told him that she doesn’t give shots.  But he could still smell a rat and asked every five seconds if he was getting a shot.   When she asked about concerns, I hesitatingly said, “We’re wondering about his weight? He seems to have put on quite a bit of weight this last year.” His doctor brought up his weight growth chart and told me that his weight was in the average percentile.  (“Oh...that’s not so bad then…”) Then she brought up his height chart, which indicated that his height was in a very low percentile (which was surprising to me since everyone comments on how tall he is getting!) Finally she brought up a third chart which showed his BMI and reported that his body mass index was in the high range.  

I explained that he really likes his snacks - he will often have one snack out and try to get out one or two others to munch on at the same time.  And the kinds of snacks he likes to eat are more like Chex Mix, Cheez-its, graham crackers, etc. He also has a mighty sweet tooth - particularly for ice cream.  Doctor’s orders (I like calling them that as it sounds official and then it is coming from someone else other than me) were for his snacks to be fruits and veggies and a one hour walk or other exercise every night.  She even offered that he could have a choice of three fruits...I laughed in my head, because right now the only fruit he likes to eat is apples and his preferred method is drowning it in peanut butter.  

Tuesday morning rolled around and he watched me carefully as I packed carrots for his school snack.  His note home from school announced, “He wasn’t too thrilled about the carrots for his snack, but he ate them all.”  That night Rob asked him what he thought about having carrots for his snack. We both cracked up when he gave a thumbs down sign.  Wednesday morning I cut up an apple and soaked them in lemon juice before placing in a bag. I feared if he would eat them without peanut butter.  His note home that night said that he wasn’t thrilled with the apple either. I’m trying to be creative, but it’s hard when the only raw veggies he likes are carrots and the only fruit he likes is apples.  At home, I have been able to encourage him to try a few other fruits (He ate one time around on a plum, two slices of a clementine, and one bite each out of two grapes.) I’m crossing my fingers on the little cartons of peaches in 100% fruit juice.  Other changes I’ve made at home are limiting portions or going with just one serving. He’s the king of seconds or thirds.) Our desserts consist of Outshine Popsicles with real fruit. Rob and I both agreed that he seemed a bit hangry the first couple days.  

While the diet has been going okay, I feel like we are making pretty good progress on the walks.  The first night Abby, Matthew and I took a walk on a walking path at a nearby park. It was a warm night and it was a bit dark by the time we finished (thank goodness for my i-phone flashlight for when we went over a very dark, dark bridge.)   We saw a deer with antlers grazing in the grass - it didn’t move or flinch for humans or dogs. We made it 42 minutes that first night. Other walks we took that week include the mall and to walk my friend’s dogs with her. Angie, his respite worker has taken him for walks at Target and the zoo.  We also bought a basketball hoop. He loves to dribble...now we’re just working on throwing the ball overhand. 

While it’s hard enough to go on a diet and follow it for yourself, it’s a whole ‘nother thing to try and get someone else to follow one (especially when they are not the ones who initiated it.)  That’s why my default is…”Dr. said…” But there are some perks to Operation Fitness. With no unhealthy snack foods in the pantry and no ice cream in the freezer, it will help the rest of us make healthier choices too.  We’ve been working on picking up the pace and “pumping our arms” on our walks. And since Matthew can’t go for a walk by himself, guess who else has been getting an extra hour of exercise each day?   

I wish I could have gotten a picture of the day I picked him up from school sans car and told him we were hoofing it home! I think that it helped that we walked a ½ hour to a park and played for awhile before walking another ½ hour home.  I’m proud to say about a week and a half ago we walked for 1 ½ - 2 hours!!!! But I’m guessing that it might have gotten cancelled out since we were Trick or Treating. Fortunately, the whole family has made the sacrifice to pitch in and help him eat up his candy!